A unique and viable approach to establishing local food self-reliance and building stronger communities.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

The Only Way to Live an Abundant Life! Garden Update


Image credit: Our dear friend Mike Brunt co-created this beautiful image in collaboration with AI. To read some of his many essays about seed-saving and its importance, go to: https://www.secretlifeofseeds.com/

Good day to you friends, we're writing to you in the midst of our first true, winter weather. Here in the Pacific NW, it's been an exceedingly rainy December with mild temps. Though the brisk weather makes it a challenge to be outside for long, we welcome the sun that accompanies it.

November sunrise over the Ark greenhouse.

Things are quiet here in the Sharing Gardens. We've spent the last few months harvesting compost from our greenhouse beds (Making Your Own "Veganic" Potting Soil in Your Greenhouse Paths - Using Worms) and generally putting the gardens to bed. Winter is also a time for cleaning out pantries and storage space (Tips for Maintaining a Well-Stocked Pantry).

We've had a few intrepid sharegivers (volunteers) come once a week to help with whatever needs doing and Chris' succession planting has meant we've had a fair amount of produce to share even in these winter months (beets, carrots, winter squash, lettuce, kale, chard and celery - to name a few). We ate our last ripe tomato on the winter solstice (a new late-season record).

Suzanne, Darlene and Chris sifting the compost harvested directly from our greenhouse pathways. How we grow...Veganic Community-based gardening 

Donn, a steady presence for many years sifting compost.

Chris has already begun planting spring crops
- both in pots and directly in the greenhouse raised-beds Starting Seedlings Directly in Greenhouse Raised Beds . It looks like this will be another year of abundance. Though we'll grow plenty of the crops that need harvesting throughout the summer (tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, lettuce etc), we'll continue to expand our winter storage crops (dried corn, sorghum and amaranth, winter squash, carrots and beets) so we can feed others and ourselves through the leaner garden months of the year.

If you're reading this on your cell phone: It's come to our attention that people viewing our site on cell phones are not able to see all the Links we have on our side-bar.  Here they are:  FAQ's - Links

To read relevant posts about gardening for this time of year in our region, Click Here for our Winter Digest. (Includes: Carport-frame greenhouse design, Potatoes, Celery, our newest post on Re-planting Carrots or Beets for Seed  and more).
Or, if you're not much of a gardener and just need some uplifting content, here is a fantastic, short video about the connection between generosity and abundance. We couldn't say it better ourselves! The only way to live an abundant life.

Chris, holding a giant Provence pumpkin/squash. Great for making pie-filling...Very sweet.
Llyn, in her 'happy place'. Starting seedlings!

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