Sunday, March 26, 2023

Kale again in the "Dirty Dozen" - 2023

Each year, the Environmental Working Group (EWG) analyses the data from thousands of samples of fruits and vegetables tested by the United States Department of Agriculture for traces of pesticides (The 2023 guide includes data from 46,569 samples of 46 fruits and vegetables). From this they publish a report of the Dirty Dozen and the Clean Fifteen (the most contaminated and the least...).

Once again, strawberries top the Dirty Dozen list and kale is in the top three. Blueberries and green beans have been added to the list for the first time. The Dirty Dozen are fruits and vegetables that you should be especially careful to buy organically grown, or better yet, grow your own!

Here is a LINK to the EWG's full lists for 2023.

Here is a CNN article that summarizes EWG's work and contains other relevant links. LINK

Here is a link to the Sharing garden's post on "Why we eat and grow organic food".

And tips on growing kale in your own garden

Kale seeds, we saved ourselves...ready for planting!

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