Wish List

Wish List updated January 2024

One of the goals of the "Sharing Gardens" project is to demonstrate how materials that might otherwise be headed for the burn-pile or landfill can be "re-purposed" and find new life serving those in need in our community. 
Here are various items and services we could use and, if we can't use them, there's a good chance we can pass them along to someone else who can.

All donations are tax-deductible; ask us for a receipt.
To contact us, please call or email:  
(541) 847-8797 - ShareInJoy@gmail.com
Please call before bringing large donations to the garden or to arrange for pick-up - between 8:00 am and 12:00 pm or 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm - (we take a nap every day!) 

664 Orchard St.
Monroe, 97456
The bright yellow farmhouse, with a wooden fence, behind the big, white Church/Community Center
December 2023: We have a strong wish for a utility trailer; something sturdy enough to haul leaves or wood; and low enough to the ground to drive our large gardening equipment on board to transport for repairs/maintenance.

Garden Materials/Plants: 
  • Metal watering can (with screw-off sprinkler attachment (for cleaning)
  • Mud boots: sometimes volunteers don't have mud boots - or they forget to bring them (particularly the college students). We like to keep some on-hand for use in the garden. All sizes welcome. 
  • Garden Tools
  • Foam kneelers (for weeding)
  • Gloves
  • Sprinklers/hose attachments - spray nozzles/hose repair parts
  • Hoses
  • Trellises 
  • tomato/pepper cages
    Home-made V-8, yum!
    • Digital camera: a simple, 'point and shoot' type that can easily slip in a pocket
    • Cotton towels - dark colors (all sizes)
    • Clean, plastic or metal buckets 
    • Plastic pitchers/scoops
    • Measuring cups (melamine plastic - best)
    • Trays: plastic or metal - (all sizes)
    • Festive garden banners (like people put on flagpoles by their front doors) with garden/nature theme.
    • Canning jars/lids - all sizes and other canning materials  
    • Food dehydrators/Food processors
    • Tarps
    • Carpet: indoor/outdoor (or low-pile); dark colors best. 
    • Picnic table
    • Refrigerator
    • Passive solar water heater
    • Plastic water-barrels (food grade)
    • Tree saplings/plant starts: particularly native or edible species. 
    • Bamboo poles: All sizes needed but particularly prefer long and sturdy.
    • Firewood
    • Leaves, grass clippings: Here's a link describing how we use them in the gardens to increase fertility: LINK
    • Surplus organically grown fruits, vegetables and nuts (we'll pass along whatever we can't use to Food Pantries).  
    • Small engine-repair
    Cash donations are always appreciated. The Sharing Gardens is a registered charity and tax-exempt organization. We exist primarily through donations. If you have found benefit from our project or our site, please consider making a donation.
    Make checks out to the "Sharing Gardens" and mail to 
    Sharing Gardens
    664 Orchard St.
    Monroe, OR 97456
     To contact us, please call or email:  
    (541) 847-8797 - ShareInJoy@gmail.com
    Please call before bringing large donations to the garden or to arrange for pick-up - between 8:00 am and 12:00 pm or 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm - (we take a nap every day!)

    Jace and Chris harvesting potatoes.


    1. Your blog has gone from good to great! Loved your interview on Peak Moment....I am sharing this sight with everyone I know......love ya!


    Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment. We welcome your reflections and questions.