Monday, April 24, 2023

Garden news and Springtime LINKS

We have so much to be grateful for at this time of year.

Our greenhouses are filling up with beautiful plants, both in the raised beds, and on our potting tables. We've been eating and sharing lettuce and green onions for the past month with our share-givers and the Monroe Food Pantry. Our kale and collard plants (outside) have been producing such healthy, good food all winter. We finally picked the last of the kale raab (flowers) - a highly nutritious form of the plant before it goes to seed. Here's a link to our post about why it's important to eat organically grown kale; Kale, again makes the Dirty Dozen - LINK, and How to Grow Kale - LINK

Lettuce harvest in front of our Ark greenhouse. We've eaten and shared over 45 pounds of lettuce so far this season and we're still planting more!

Slo-bolt lettuce on the left, potatoes coming up in the center (it's an experiment to grow them in our greenhouse) and Chris planting onions on the right. April 24, 2023

We have a deepening collaboration with Lua Siegel (left) and the Luckiamute Valley Charter School gardening programs (both grade- and middle-school sites). We're very excited about the reciprocal generosity we feel with this project. Read about it here.

If you're local and would like information on our grass-clipping drop-off site (right) or volunteering at the gardens, Click here: Local News: Grass-clippings drop-off, volunteering, gratitude 

Here's an idea for people who are wanting to jump into gardening but without the expense of building raised beds. This system only requires cardboard boxes, chicken wire and burlap. Instant raised beds: An attractive, inexpensive idea
Why pay for a gym membership when you can work out in your garden instead!
Gym, no! Garden, yes!

​We wish to extend blessings to everyone reading this, Llyn and Chris​

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