Saturday, November 27, 2021

Sharing Gardens-Harvest Totals - 2021

We've tallied up our donations to charities and it's been another great year, 2,971 pounds! We keep precise records of our donations to charities by weighing everything before we send it. We derive our other totals through estimates though so you'll just have to take our word for it (though honestly, these numbers are probably low). Everything else: 4,280 pounds.

That makes our Grand total for 2021 somewhere in the ballpark of: 7,254 pounds!

Here are the details:

Total pounds donated to charities: 2,971 pounds

South Benton Food Pantry: 1,539 pounds

Local Aid Food Pantry: 1,231 pounds

Stone Soup Kitchen: 201 pounds

Additional food harvested and distributed from the Sharing gardens: 4,280 pounds:

Weekly CSA boxes, Share-givers/Chris and I: 3,460 pounds

Canned/dehydrated food/storage crops, over and above the weekly distributions: (including, but not limited to: dried corn, beans and sorghum; 14 qts of applesauce, 60 qts of V-8 juice, potatoes, winter squash): 490 pounds

Small Axe Peppers: 330 pounds (a hot sauce company that enlists community gardens to grow hot peppers as a fund-raiser). 

All of this using "veganic" methods of farming! (See here for more info).

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