Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Farm to Farm Ride – A 'Benefit' Showcasing Local Food and Local Farms

"Heavenly Blue" Morning Glory - the first of the season!
The Sharing Gardens are again catering the second annual Farm-to-Farm Century Ride on September 15th, 2012. This unique bicycle tour is 100-miles long and features five food-producing farms. The ride is not a race, but rather a recreational tour for hearty cycling enthusiasts interested in local and healthy foods, and a beautiful ride. This fund-raising event for the Sharing Gardens begins and ends in Monroe and tours past Groundworks Organics, Leaping Lamb Farm, Gathering Together Farm, and Horse Creek Farm.

Beets, giant marigolds and zinnias - garden color!
Participants will enjoy a delicious breakfast before embarking on some of the most beautiful backcountry roads the Willamette Valley offers. After climbing and descending two hills in the first 40 miles (passing Alsea Falls), the ride flattens out for the remainder of the trip. Each rest stop, four in all, is stocked with fresh food from the farms as well as more high-energy foods and drinks donated by companies that share the ride’s philosophy. After the ride, everyone enjoys a gourmet, home made vegetarian meal prepared by Sharing Gardens volunteers with many of the ingredients harvested fresh! (Sneak peak: Chili, cornbread, salad, pie, ice cream…and more!). The meal will be served at the United Methodist Church who has graciously offered the use of their kitchen, Fellowship Hall and 100-foot long, covered picnic table -- free of charge.

David Roux, with a beet from his garden.
The ride costs $89. Fees include breakfast, a well-marked course, refreshments throughout the ride, a scrumptious post-ride meal, and a Bounty Bag filled with exceptional products from many Farm-to-Farm friendly companies. Live entertainment will accompany the post-ride meal: Johann Forrer, a guitar-builder and musician for over 45 years, and Llyn Peabody – singer-songwriter for over 25 years, will both perform “family-friendly music from the 60's” and original compositions. A portion of the event’s proceeds will go to support the Monroe Sharing Gardens. Volunteers enjoy a day of service in the country and share in the closing meal and music.

Come out for a beautiful September day to enjoy cycling or volunteering, eating, mingling, and learning about local farms.

Christine, picking flowers to take to the Food Bank. "One does not live by zucchinis alone!"
To volunteer with the Sharing Gardens - harvesting, food prep and service, send us an email ASAP at Spots are filling fast! 
We need: Friday, Sept 14 - 
9:00 to 1:00 (up to 6 people) harvest and food prep - (bring your own favorite knives and cutting board).
Sat. Sept 15 -  
7 - 10:00 am (3 people) - serving breakfast and clean-up
10 - 2:00 (4 to 6 people) - set-up, food prep and serving riders (if they're back by then)
2 - 6:00 - (4 to 6 people) - serving food and clean-up.

It's not too late to register for the ride (though almost 2/3 of the slots have been filled.)  
Click here to find out more about the ride, and register. Registration closes Sept 8, 2012.
To volunteer at one of the Farm to Farm rest stops, Click Here.

Event coordinator: Jennifer Hughes:

To read highlights from last year's ride, Click Here

A swallowtail - pollinator, came by for a visit in July.

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