Sunday, July 22, 2012

Weed 'Em and Reap

Monroe Sharing Garden - early July, 2012
One of our recent posts indicated that volunteer participation was down this year. Well, in the last few weeks, the summer weather has arrived (it's been in the mid-seventies to the mid-eighties...just glorious!) and the good weather has brought with it an upsurge in the gardens growth AND some wonderful, large, group-sessions with the volunteers. What follows is what we like to call the "Giver's Gallery" If you're local and you want to come join the fun, here's a link to the scheduled times we meet at the garden.

It's a jungle out there! July 2012
We wish to extend thanks to David Crosby for the fencing materials left by the side of the road. Also for the offer to till up some more ground at the Monroe site. We've maxed out the space within the current fence and have begun dreaming of fencing in a new area where we could plant some berries, some orchard trees and grow some of the crops that don't need as much tending throughout the summer - like potatoes and winter squash. We'll be in touch! Thanks also to all the Monroe residents who've been bringing us your grass clippings; to people dropping off pots and flats and other garden supplies. You are helping to make the gardens thrive.  Here's a link to our current Wish List.

View from the west - July 2012
And lastly - a reminder that on Saturday, September 15th, the Sharing Gardens is catering the 2nd annual Farm to Farm Century Ride. As it says on the organizer's site:
"This isn't just a bike ride. It's 100 miles of beautiful, backcountry roads and sweeping Willamette Valley landscapes. It's several hours of unforgettable times with 149 other like-minded cyclists. It's discovering local farms and enjoying healthy, natural, mouth-watering edibles. And certainly, it's an event that leaves you feeling proud, healthy, and a little tired. It's also a good cause. This is a fund-raising benefit for the Monroe Sharing Gardens, a unique community garden designed to encourage local food self-reliance, build more resilient communities, and provide fresh produce to food banks and other charities." 
If you are interested in registering for the ride, or signing up to volunteer, go to:

And now on to the Giver's Gallery!
Amy, Cindy and little Adri sort the many donated pots and flats.

Cindy and Llyn gathering mulch from the field next to the garden.

Another mulch-gathering session.

Building a worm-bin.

David Roux, Mike Briggs and Chris Burns on a sunny day.

Doreen and Rann Millar  in our new greenhouse.

Planting fall crops.

Trimming garlic.
Jerry Crowson with Red Iceberg harvest.

Jesse Perez waters starts.

John Kinsey spreading fresh grass-clippings as mulch between plants.

Larry Winiarski tilling this year's squash patch.

Llyn and Jennifer Rivais putting collars on celery.

Mike Briggs with elephant garlic.

OSU students transplanting Spring crops.

Rann Millar running the "beast"!

Sierra and Mike painting the counter-top for garden sink.

David Roux with a large donation of grass-hay from his property.

Jennifer takes home a load of starts for her home garden. Llyn on the right.

John Kinsey and Llyn planting out peas - Spring crop.

Larry Winiarski sifting sheep manure for potting mix.

Llyn and Doreen transplanting marigolds.

Llyn and Ricardo planting onions.

Chris gives Ricardo a lesson in wheelbarrow repair.

Rob and Lucy planting scarlet runner beans.

Betty, Mike and Sierra Briggs transplanting fall crops of kale.
Life is good!

1 comment:

  1. life is indeed good..nice post..loved the photos..Incubator


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