Friday, May 18, 2012

A Variation on the Sharing Garden

The Haultain Blvd - "sharing" gardens
Slowly but surely, the Peak Moment video that Janaia and Robyn taped of us is making its way around the internet. We've had close to 3,000 views since it was first posted in early spring. We've begun to receive inquiries from people who would like to start a Sharing Garden in their own community.

Chris and I are fortunate in that we live very simply and have few expenses which means that we don't have to hold down regular jobs. We have no children at home. The Sharing Gardens is almost a full-time project for us. Here is the link to another Peak Moment video that offers a scaled-down version of growing food, teaching others about gardening, and sharing in the harvest. Perhaps an easier place to start if you're feeling daunted by taking on a whole garden project.

Your beginning can be as simple as sharing surplus from your own garden with neighbors, or if you have more than you can give away to them, find out when your local food bank meets and bring your surplus to them. They will greatly appreciate it since most food banks get the absolute dregs and leftovers to feed the people who receive food from them.

Would love to hear stories of how your adventures are going,

"Claiming the Commons - Food for All on Haultain Boulevard" (episode 185)

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