Wednesday, April 27, 2011

40,000 People; One grocery store!

Sharing Gardens Reaches Beyond Oregon

Here is an email we just received from someone who saw the Peak Moment TV interview about the Sharing Gardens on YouTube. We wish to extend our sincere thanks to all the many supporters near and far who have nurtured the program up to this point. Here is evidence that our effort reaches out beyond our own small community. We wanted to share our excitement with you all.
Scenic Chester, Pennsylvania!
Hello Chris and Llyn.
First of all, please accept my thanks for being the "break-through" people in trailblazing this idea.  I wish I had the words to describe how my heart leapt when I watched your video on Peak Moment.  I have been reaching out (metaphorically speaking) launching my faith in hopes that what I am supposed to do and be in this world will come to me.  I believe it has.  I love gardening.  I feed my family from our small garden.  And last year, I was able to give a lot of food away.  I have been praying for an opportunity to share that will incorporate my love of gardening.  I believe this is it.
Our city, Chester, PA, is a very poor and declining city.  We have one supermarket in the entire city of 40,000 people.  And although there is a state of the art soccer facility and Harrah's Casino in our town, the people struggle to eat.  The majority of our residents rely on government help to feed their families.  For the first time in the many years I have lived here, I see people begging for food or money. 
There is also an abundance of vacant land in the city.  I believe a sharing garden will serve to feed many hungry people and aid in the revitalization of the city.
You mentioned your willingness to help folks who have a heart for such a revolutionary idea.  That would be me.  If you would consider mentoring me, I would love to share your vision here in our dear city.
A. Costa
Click on image for link to map of Chester, PA
It appears that the "Sharing Gardens" website has been translated into Russian!? (Click Here) Our site is being linked to other sites all over the world.

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