Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Volunteering at the Sharing Gardens

Volunteering at the Sharing Gardens is a fun and meaningful way to contribute to your community, learn about gardening, strengthen your body and share in the harvest.

Tibbi, Llyn and Danielle - first volunteer day - 2010
People have begun to inquire about volunteering at the "Sharing Gardens". Our needs are sporadic at this time but as the season progresses we will definitely need a lot of help this year.

Here's how the volunteer program works: Send us an email with "Volunteer" in the subject line. We will add you to our exclusive volunteer list. Once the season begins in earnest, you will receive a weekly email which tells you the times/days/locations and tasks in the gardens that week.

You do not have to come every week but you are welcome as often as you like.

You bring your own sunhat, drinking water and gloves (we have some you can borrow if you forget yours). We provide the tools.

Please no dogs, tobacco or alcohol use in the gardens and younger children must be supervised by an adult.

Volunteers displaying the harvest at the Food Bank - 2010

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