Tuesday, March 29, 2011

4-H Community Giveaway at the Monroe Legion Hall - April 16

It's time for the Community Give-away at the Monroe Legion Hall organized by Christy Warden and the local 4-H club. This event happens twice a year - at Christmas and Easter and it's an event that brings the community together as everyone is welcome to participate; to give and receive as they have need. All income levels welcome. Everything is given away.

On Friday, April 15th, from noon to 5:00 pm, Christy and a crew of volunteers receive and sort donations into categories - setting up the event. On Saturday April 16th from 10:00 to 2:00 the doors are open and people can come and freely receive. It's a lively social event: people swap out clothes that their kids have outgrown for ones that will fit them, supplement their pantries with new food, find items to do a little interior decorating  or gather building materials for home-improvement projects. As times have become more challenging economically, this event serves a real need in our community. At the Christmas event, Christy counted over 100 families who received help through this Giveaway.

People helping people!
Donations needed: Please bring your donations on Friday, April 15, noon to 5:00 pm to the Monroe Legion Hall - the brick building kitty-corner from the Post Office, on Main St. in Monroe. Tax-Deductible receipts available.
  • Clothes
  • Food
  • Housewares
  • Toiletries
  • Surplus building materials
  • Extra seedlings for people to plant in their gardens.
Volunteers needed:  Call Christy: (541) 847-6030 if you are available to help or have questions. The main need is on Friday afternoon to help sort and set-up the donations but there may be other ways you can help too.

Left over items will be donated to other local charities.

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