Monday, October 11, 2010

Basil! Come and Get It!

Beautiful, fresh basil!

We've had a great crop of basil this year. All the volunteers have freezers full of pesto and enough dried to make it to next year's harvest. We had the first kiss of frost in the Monroe garden last week and realize that it'll just take one night's cold snap to finish off the whole crop. Please come and take some or all of what's down there. First come, first served.

Alpine garden: Come through the gate and turn left. You may take ANY basil in the ten-foot row that starts with the mailbox and goes to the Chinese cabbage.

Monroe garden: Turn right as you come in the gate and there's a row that extends for about twenty feet from the hay-bale compost bin in the SW corner (near the garden shed) back (east) towards the rest of the garden. Take any and all! Enjoy!

Delicious basil pesto

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