Thursday, July 8, 2010

Alpine Park Clean-up Day Re-scheduled

Since the weather was so damp for our clean-up day earlier in the spring, we didn't get as much done as we'd hoped so we're going to have another one.

 Alpine Park Clean-up
Saturday, July 31, 2010
8:30 - 12:30

We've come up with a list of projects and would appreciate it if you would let us know what you'd like to do so we are sure to have the right tools/materials. If you think of something that's not on the list, that would be great too.

Projects for the Park
  1. Prep and paint picnic tables
  2. Prep and paint bathroom door
  3. Prep and paint trash cans
  4. Re-hang basketball hoop
  5. Re-vitalize horse-shoe pits
  6. Clean bathroom (we're hoping it will be working again by then)
  7. Seal up starling nest-site above bathroom door
  8. Weed the fire-ring
  9. Chainsaw the log from last year's fire (you can take the wood home with you!)
  10. "Scalp" grass at base of fruit trees, lay down road-cloth and mulch 
  11. Bring a string trimmer or hand-mower to edge around trees, fences, buildings (We'll have one or two industrial mowers doing the bulk of the park)
If you are inspired to "just show up" I'm sure we can plug you into a project. Be sure to bring gloves, sun-hat, drinking water, snacks  and good cheer!

Though the "Sharing Gardens" coordinators are organizing it, this is about giving some TLC to the park itself, not the vegetable gardens.
Please contact Chris and Llyn 
(8:00 am - 8:00 pm) - (541) 847-8797

Restoring Alpine Chapel Park sign
P.S. Potluck Picnic in Alpine Park is on the following weekend - Sunday August 8 - 6:00 - sundown

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