Saturday, May 8, 2010

Our "Chip's" Come In!

Wood chips donated from Trees Inc.
Thanks to our local power company and the tree service they contract to for line maintenance, Trees Inc., we had a huge load of wood chips donated at the Monroe Garden site. This was enough to make a thick path from the Methodist Church's driveway back to our tool shed. Volunteer Steve Rose brought his tractor down to the site and began the process of tilling up the soil last Thursday but took a break from that to move the wood chips to where it was easier to spread them.
Chris and Steve spreading wood chips - Monroe Garden

Other big news! (which some of you haven't heard yet): An anonymous donor (an Oregon family), through the grant brokerage of Trust Management Services (TMS), has awarded our project $9,980, the full amount we asked for in a proposal we submitted in February. The grant proposal focuses on three main threads: expansion and maintenance of both the Alpine and Monroe sites; development and support of our volunteer base; and development of a program aimed at young people ages 9-18 and their families, through partnering with the local schools and other youth programs in the area.This grant gives us a strong "green light" signal to move ahead with the Sharing Gardens. Much thanks to Evelyn Lee and Dorothy Brinckerhoff for their assistance in writing and submitting the grant and to Mary Lanthrum (TMS) for going to bat for us.
Danielle sifting soil for raspberry transplants
Speaking of "developing our volunteer base", Saturday May 9th was our first "official" volunteer day at the Alpine Park. The weather was gorgeous and we got a lot done. We now have about 1/3 of our "chitted" potatoes planted which is equal to our whole crop from last year (five 30-foot rows). The rest will go into the Monroe site.We mulched the potato paths with leaves raked last fall (thanks to Mylrea Estell and Raymond Kreth for giving us rent-credit for the raking!) We potted up two dozen raspberry plants - and there's a lot more still to be potted. And finally, Chris got the beautiful sign he painted over the winter hung at the Alpine site. A very productive morning.
Tibbi and Chris planting potatoes
A few more "thank you's" need to be mentioned: Bert and Theresa, who live on the edge of the Alpine Park, keep bringing us lawn clippings. Bert's probably in his 80's so we're especially grateful for him making the extra effort to drive his mower over to our drop-site. Guy Urbach has been nice enough to foot the bill for the Porta-Potty that's been stationed at Alpine park since we took over the bathroom-building as our tool shed. Once we get the new shed built we'll be able to leave the bathroom unlocked all summer.
Tibbi, Llyn and Danielle on our first official volunteer day - 2010
If you're local, and would like to be notified of volunteer days at the garden, or want some raspberry plants, send us an email. Also write us if you'd like to be added or removed from our mailing list.

P.S. Does anyone out there have a running lawn-mower they'd like to donate? It would help us keep the gardens looking nice.

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