Thursday, March 11, 2010

Sharing Gardens - In the News!

Exciting news! We got a "Letter to the Editor" published in this week's Eugene Weekly. Here's the link... and below it, the actual text of the letter.

We are pleased to see the coverage EW has given in the last two issues regarding local food security (“Give the homeless a garden?” 2/18,  and “Food Security Action No Longer a Choice” 2/10). Here in Monroe and Alpine we have created a solution that is helping people learn about gardening, grow their own food and lift the burden on our local food bank to provide for its ever increasing customers. We call it a “Sharing Garden.”
What makes these ‘sharing’ gardens unique is that, instead of many separate plots that are rented by individuals, these gardens are one large plot, shared by all. All materials and labor are donated. The food we grow is shared amongst those who have contributed in some way as well as others who are in need in our community. All surplus is donated to our local food bank. No one is ever charged money for the food that is grown.
We like to think of it as a “Stone Soup” garden where each of us donates a little of our surplus — whether in time or materials — to grow both a sense of community, and plenty of food to share. This model is easily replicated anywhere there are vacant lots and people with enough gardening experience to oversee the project and does not require a large input of money to make it work.
Alpine has been host to this unique type of community garden for a year (and is heading into its second). Monroe is starting its first plot this spring. For more info about our project:
Llyn Peabody and Chris Burns, Garden Coordinators

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