Monday, May 11, 2009

An Attitude of Gratitude

We have so much to be grateful for! The Alpine Park Clean-up Day was a huge success. We had 13 volunteers show up and we pruned, weed-wacked and prepared the ground in our perennial garden bed so we can plant bulbs, herbs and berries as they're donated. Here are a few pics from the day:

This first one shows us digging grass out of the perennial bed.

This second one shows the guys weed-wacking along the cemetery road.

The Alpine Community Garden is a unique model. Most community gardens have a separate plot that each family rents for the summer. Ours is one big plot. All the time and materials are donated and the harvest will be shared amongst the volunteers/donors. Surplus goes to the food-bank, senior lunch program and other people in need.We think of it as a 'Stone Soup' Garden, where if each of us gives a little of what we can spare, there will be enough for everyone. Here's a list of people and organizations who have contributed time, money and materials:

Steve Rose - tractor work - preparing the ground
Larry Lester and Leonard Cox - helping us get our Cub tractor running again
Larry Hammond - putting in the fence posts
Gary Weems - dug the holes for the wooden fence posts

That's Gary drilling fence post holes

South Benton Community Enhancement $300 donation
Corvallis Oregon Tilthe $250 donation
Jerry's Home Improvement Center $50 donation
Evening Garden Club $100 donation

Here's Larry putting in fence posts.

Gary Watts - turned on the water for us at the park.
Jack Jones - fixed the outlets at the park.
Patty Parsons - grant writing
Joe Russin and Jeri Mrazek - donated a Troybilt rototiller (Thanks Suzie Morrill for telling them about our project).
Olivia and Cory for shoveling a load of rabbit manure.

That's Michelle pushing a wheel-barrow full of prunings

If you would like to donate time, money or materials, or if you would like to be removed from this list, or have any other communications, please contact us at

Thank you!

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