Videos About the Sharing Gardens

Oregon State university sends groups of students to us each term to fulfill their requirements for 'service-learning' (volunteering within the Corvallis community.  Here's a delightful video made by Trent Toney, one of the OSU students, that gives you a glimpse into a typical service-learning day at the Gardens. Enjoy! LINK

Peak Moment Videos

The Sharing Gardens has had two videos made of us by Janaia Donaldson and Robyn Malgren of Peak Moment TV, a traveling video-production team that focuses on issues related to our currently challenging times.

The Giving is Growing: Here's a beautiful video about the Sharing Gardens. Filmed in July 2013 with the garden's bounty as backdrop, we explore the philosophy that is at the root of the gardens: simple-living, gratitude and giving without accounting. Enjoy! LINK
 Giving and Receiving An earlier video, filmed in August of 2010 offers some practical considerations for starting your own Sharing Gardens. LINK  or to listen to the audio file here: audio
Peak Moment: Locally Reliant Living for Challenging Times is an online television series with people creating resilient lives and communities for a more sustainable, lower-energy future. Peak Moment TV is cross-pollinating the most challenging shift in human history — an energy transition away from fossil fuels to sustainable living. To view other videos by Peak Moment TV: LINK

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